Punctuality & Participation

Punctuality & Participation

All are expected to be in School by 7.40 a.m

Inspired by Jesus Christ the greatest teacher, we have committed ourselves to the following as the special aims of the school:

  • No student should leave his/her class in between teaching periods without the permission of the class monitor in the absence of a teacher.
  • The teacher may penalize a child who constantly is out of class in between the periods.
  • Students must participate in the various co-curricular activities faithfully.


  • Students should always greet their teachers, elders and friends in a pleasant and low tone of voice whenever they meet them in school or out side.
  • Running and shouting inside the school building is and forbidden.
  • Students should be polite to one another avoiding the use of slang, loud talk and abusive language. Students should strive to be obedient to their parents and teacher’s giving them always the respect and affection that is their due and accept their guidance and corrections with gratitude.