Fee Rules

Rules For Payment of fee

All are expected to be in School by 7.40 a.m

  • If the fee is not paid on time the pulpil’s name will automatically be struck off the rolls and readmission fee of Rs. 200/- will be charged along with the fee not paid by the student.
  • Parent and guardians will kindly preserve the receipts issued to them and produce them as proof of payment of fee, if needed.
  • If a student attends the school for a few days in a month he/she is liable to pay the fee for the entire month.
  • School fee and bus fee is payble in 4 installments as specified on the fee schedule page of the school fee booklet.
  • For fees installments not paid by the prescribed date a late fee of Rs.100/- has to be paid up to last day of the due month in every quarter and thereafter, a fine of Rs.250/- per every pending installment on accumulated basis is to be paid.
  • Penalty for the bounced cheque will carry Rs.200/- with late fees as applicable on the date of remittance and repetition calls for Rs.500/- with late fees on the date of remittance.
  • The ‘late fee’ will be charged regularly as a matter of course and no exemption will be given under any circumstances.
  • Fees will have to be paid as long as a pupil’s name is on the rolls.
  • Only those pupils who have paid complete school fee and bus fee are permitted to appear for the Annual Examination.
  • No fee will be refunded if a pupil is withdrawn from school.
  • Annual Fee is to be paid at the commencement of the First Term.

Pl. Note : No school business will be transacted after school hours and holidays