Attendance/Leave Rules

Attendance/Leave Rules

Attendance/Leave Rules Concerning Absence

  • a) Leave of absence is not granted except on Prior Written Application from parents/ guardians (except in case of unforeseen circumstances. All applications for leave shall be made to the Principal through the class teacher and must be signed by parent or guardian of the child on the prescribed form given in the diary.
    b) Every absence (sick leave or otherwise) must be entered briefly in the Regularity Record pages found towards the end of this diary and signed by the parent or guardian.
    c) Absence from school during or prior to test will adversely affect the student’s grade in the tests.
  • Repeated absence without permission for more than six consecutive days renders the boy/girl liable to have his / her name struck of the rolls.
  • A student returning to school after suffering from an infection of contagious disease should produce a doctor’s certificate permitting him/her to rejoin class.
    Chicken Pox : 6 days after the disappearance of the first crop of vesicles.
    Measles : 7 days from rash.
  • After holidays (summer, Winter, Diwali, Dussehra) students should be present on the day appointed for the reopening of the school. Late comers are liable to be fined Rs. 50 or struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be considered on repayment of admission fee of Rs.500/- The pupil must be present on the opening and closing days. In case of absence due to illness the Principal must be informed in writing on the closing and opening day whichever is applicable.
  • If a student having come to school attends class for a period / a few periods and then bunks or if a student having started for school from home is found to be roaming instead of being present in the school, in either case the said student is liable to be dismissed from school.